Greener Cleaner

Is non-toxic really non-toxic?

Don't be green-washed!

Don’t be green-washed!

A company may claim to be ‘green’ but actually words such as non-toxic, hypoallergenic, fragrance free, earth smart, and natural are really meaningless, so don’t always trust what you read.

The best defense is awareness and education.  For example, let’s take the term “Non-toxic.”  Everything is toxic in sufficient dosage.

Think about it, salt is a natural product but in some situations salt can be very dangerous to environmental and human health.

“Chemical-free” is another term used often on labels.  Nothing is free of chemicals, not even YOU.  Water is made up of chemicals. All plants, animals, and humans are made of chemicals as are all man-made products.  Meat labelled “natural” might have been treated with antibiotics and a chicken labelled “free range” might never have gone outside.

Words such as these are irrelevant and distract the consumer from finding a greener option!  Greener Cleaner, Cleaning Company has done the research!

We are true to our sustainability methods – effective, trust-worthy and at a competitive price!

To book a FREE quote on your home or business, call: 705-422-2075. Owner and founder, Melanie Vollick, is a graduate of Trent University with a BA in Environmental & Resource Studies in the Honours Program.

Tough on dirt, easy on the planet!

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